Welcome to Calvin Nelms Charter School
Special Education
- Overview
- Operating Procedures
- Referral

"Parent support and involvement make a positive difference by elevating student academic performance and increasing achievements. Explore the resources below to discover ways in which you can receive support and be involved in your student's education". Click the image or name and you will be redirected to the website for more information.
Contact information. Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Compensatory Services:
Compensatory services are used to help students make up for
progress or skills they lost when their special education
services were not provided. The Compensatory services allocation will be discussed at your student's ARD meeting.
January 2024 UPDATE
All parents of a child in special education were emailed information on 01/12/2024 in regards to the Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES).
To be eligible for the SSES grant, students must currently be:
● enrolled in a Texas public school,
● enrolled in PreK - 12th grade, and
● a student with a disability served through Special Education.
Go here to apply!
If you have additional questions or need assistance, contact:
Email: [email protected] Call: SPEDTex at 1-855-773-3839
SSES Website
SSES Application
Student Handbook Statement English
Contact Person for Special Education Referrals:
The designated person to contact regarding options for a student experiencing learning difficulties or regarding a referral for evaluation for special education services is:
Contact Person: Heather Smith
Phone Number: 281-398-8031 x114
Email: [email protected]
Calvin Nelms Charter School has standards and procedures in place for the evaluation and placement of students in the school’s Special Education program. Calvin Nelms also implements a system of procedural safeguards that includes notice, an opportunity for a parent or guardian to examine relevant records, an impartial hearing with an opportunity for participation by the parent or guardian and representation by counsel, and a review procedure.
Student Handbook Statement Spanish
Persona de contacto para las remisiones de educación especial:
La persona designada para contactar en relación con las opciones para un estudiante que experimente dificultades de aprendizaje o en relación con una remisión a evaluación para recibir servicios de educación especial es:
Persona de contacto: Heather Smith Número de teléfono: 281-398-8031 x114
Cada distrito escolar o escuela autónoma debe tener estándares y procedimientos en vigor para la evaluación y colocación de estudiantes en el programa de la educacion especial del distrito o la escuela autónoma. Además, los distritos y las escuelas autónoma deben implementar un sistema de salvaguardas procesales que incluya una notificación, una oportunidad para que los padres o tutores examinen los registros relevantes, una audiencia imparcial en la que puedan participar los padres o tutores y en la que haya representación por parte de un abogado, y un procedimiento de revisión.
Texas Education Agency Resources
Special Education Operating Procedures Update 22-23
Calvin Nelms Charter School board has approved the following update to Special Education Operating Procedures Manual. This is also located in the legal framework tab.
22_23 CNCHS SPED Operating Procedures Manual.pdf
Legislative Updates 10/01/2021
Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 139 (SB 139), which requires Texas local education agencies (LEAs) to distribute the following notice to parents:
SB 139 Notice to Families (English version)
SB 139 Notice to Families (Spanish version)
All Texas LEAs are required to post a direct link to the specific TEA webpage on their website. The link contains the information in the document related to SB 139 mentioned in OSEP Requirement 2. This is intended to provide Texas families with information regarding Individuals with Disabilities Education.
TEA-developed document intended to assist parents whose children may have been previously delayed or denied an evaluation under the IDEA in requesting compensatory services for their child.
Delayed or Denied Evaluation & Compensatory Service ENG
Evaluaciones Retrasadas o Denegadas & Servicios Compensatorios
- Special Education Programs
- Child Find Services
- The Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Process
If you are looking for resources or information please click the following link it will take you to TEA Secial Education page called SPEDTEX. You will find additional information in regards to: Supplemental Special Education Services, COVID 19 and Special Education Services, Statewide Webinars, Special Education Dispute Resolution, General Resources, Disabilities, Procedural Safeguards,
Parent's Guide to the ARD Process, STAAR and Student Success Initiative, Special Education Advocacy, and a Video Gallery. Parent Information
This transition and employment guide is for the student in any Texas public school, who may have
received special education services. There is helpful information for your parents. This guide has specific steps you and your parents can take to make sure you are able to create the future of your dreams. It also provides valuable information about where to get the services you will need after high school.
"The guide is divided into sections on Self Advocacy, Transition Services, Employment and Supported Employment, Social Security Programs, Community and Long Term Services and Supports, Postsecondary Educational Programs and Services, Information Sharing, and Guardianship and Alternatives. Each section has phone numbers, emails, and websites to help you find what you need. At the end of each section and at the end of the guide, you will find a timeline of steps that you and your parents can take as you make the transition from student to adult". (TEA website information, tea.texas.gov/sites, July 2018)
If you have any questions, concerns please contact Ms. Smith
Email: [email protected]
281-398-8031 x114
Additional Information: The following websites provide information and resources for students with disabilities and their families.
Links to new documents
significant disproportionality-updates-faq-oct-2021.pdf
ARD_Guide_ENG 2021.pdf
Feb 2021 ARD_Guide_SPAN.pdf
2022 Notice of Procedural Safeguards ENG.pdf
2022 Procedural Safeguards — Spanish.pdf
SPED Complaints Process.pdf
Timelines for Special Education Referral Initial Evaluation Process.pdf
SPED Updates-on-Special-Education ENG.pdf
SPED updates-on-special-education-spanish.pdf